About the Event

India and Bangladesh share bonds of history, language, culture, and a multitude of other commonalities. The excellent bilateral ties reflect an all-encompassing partnership based on sovereignty, equality, trust, and understanding that goes far beyond a strategic partnership.

The year 2021, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, has been witnessing intense high-level engagements at political and official levels. Prime Minister Modi visited Bangladesh on a State Visit from 26 to 27 March 2021 to join the celebrations of the Golden Jubilee of the Independence of Bangladesh, the Birth Centenary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and 50 years of establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Bangladesh. He was the Guest of Honor at these celebrations on the National Parade Ground on March 26, 2021. The visit symbolized the partnership of half a century between India and Bangladesh that has strengthened, matured, and evolved as a model for bilateral relations for the entire region.

The Best of India Expo is being proposed to further strengthen & deepen the bilateral ties between the two economies and to take the mutual engagements to the next level. The event is being designed to display the Best of Indian Products and to Showcase India’s strength in the top 10-12 sectors to Bangladesh.

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Event Details

 Date : 23 -25 JUNE 2022

 Time : 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Day 1

Inauguration of the Show B2B Expo (Full Day) Cultural

Day 2

B2B Expo (Full Day) at the Expo

Day 3

Expo Hours (Open for All) (Full Day) Closing Ceremony (Evening)

Exhibitor Profile

The Best of India Expo is being proposed to further strengthen & deepen the bilateral ties between the two economies and to take the mutual engagements to the next level. The event is being designed to display the Best of Indian Products and to Showcase India’s strength in the top 10-12 sectors to Bangladesh. The Best of India Pavilion will showcase the following sectors:

  • Textiles & Made-Ups
  • Handicrafts & Handlooms
  • Cotton & Jute products
  • Home Appliances & Consumer durables
  • Plastics and its articles
  • Engineering goods
  • Food & Agri products (Spices, Tea & Coffee, etc.)
  • Building & Construction products
  • Ceramics, Homeware & Kitchenware
  • Aluminum & its articles
  • Dyes & Ink
  • Agricultural Implements and allied products


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About Bangladesh

Bangladesh - one of the fastest-growing economies in South Asia got her independence in 1971 after the 9-month-long Liberation war. Bangladesh has made remarkable progress in raising incomes, reducing poverty and improving social indicators and has been classified as a middle-income country by World Bank. Bangladesh belongs to the largest river delta as well as one of the most fertile regions of the world with a total area of 1,47,570 sq. km. and a coastline of 710 (check) km. It has a population of 166.50 million (Economic Review 2020), making it one of the most densely populated countries of the world. Bangladesh is largely ethnically homogeneous. Over 98 percent of the people speak in Bangla. English is widely spoken as well. The country is covered with a network of rivers and canals forming a maze of interconnecting channels and rich waterways.

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Message from

Dr Ajay Sahai

Director General & CEO
Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO)